

Lift The Nature & Craft of Expert Coaching

MAP - A Whole New Way to Work

In "MAP - A Whole New Way to Work ", Bruce R. Dorey, PhD, a former Fortune 100 executive and experienced coach, presents a visionary guide to navigating the future of work in a post-COVID world. Drawing on his extensive background in coaching leaders and executives, Dr. Dorey explores the critical role of VR and the “Flow state” in uncovering deep work and maximizing productivity.

The book delves into how emerging technologies like VR/AR can revolutionize the workplace, offering practical and actionable ways to both engage with work and paradoxically "unplug" through virtual experiences. Dorey weaves personal stories and anecdotes of extraordinary people to illustrate the power of flow states in achieving peak performance. "MAP - A Whole New Way to Work" provides readers with a practical playbook, or MAP for thriving in the evolving professional landscape, blending insights on cognitive science, technological advancements, and time-tested wisdom to help individuals and organizations adapt to and excel in the new era of work.



Lift The Nature & Craft of Expert Coaching

Coaching for Renewal and Reinvention

In his book, Lift, Bruce takes a fresh look at how to prepare the next generation of business people. Integrating current scientific research on human behavior, Bruce applies a traditional craftsman model to promote institutional knowledge transfer within large organizations.




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